TODAY IN THE NEWS by Oliver DeMille
May 6th, 2019 // 6:44 am @ Oliver DeMille

I. Today in the News
There is so much going on in the news these days–big events that have major potential to influence the future of our nation and freedom. Unfortunately, almost all the news is reported with strong partisan leanings. The slant and spin are frequently overwhelming.
To respond, I’ve decided to do a several-times-a-week news post that steps away from current partisan spin and addresses the big news of the day from the perspective of the U.S. Constitution and the viewpoint of the American Founding. It will give readers a different way to look at things several times a week. I’ll try to keep these brief and to the point, just a few paragraphs per post. I hope you will comment and share so this can influence people…
Here’s the first post:

Friday, May 9, 2109
The Democrat-led investigative committees of the House of Representatives are threatening to force the Attorney General of the United States and other Administration officials to testify, even to the point of contempt charges and sending the House Sergeant of Arms to arrest and detain them until they comply. Many Democrats (and left-leaning mainstream media) claim they have this power (though it hasn’t been used in nearly 80 years), while most Republicans argue that this would violate the Constitution with the Legislative Branch usurping duties held by both the Executive and Judiciary. Founding Father St. George Tucker wrote about this same threat in 1803 and outlined 6 specific ways this action would violate the Constitution; his list sides with the 2019 Republican view (The Founders’ Constitution, vol. 2, pp. 311-313.) So–no surprise–there’s a partisan split on the topic.
But let’s look at this from a third perspective. Speaking ironically: wouldn’t it be great if the House did it and made it stick?
Before you answer…think about it. On the one hand, the Democrats are wrong about this on Constitutional grounds, so that would be bad. And in an ideal world, that should be the end of the discussion.
But on the other hand (again, speaking ironically), wouldn’t it be nice to see the House of Representatives actually do something to check another branch of government? This is hugely important.
The Framers gave the House the biggest check of all–the power over the purse strings, meaning control of all money spent by the federal government–because the House members are the federal officials most easily removed and replaced by the voters. The Framers wanted the people, the voting public, to have the biggest voice in the federal government, and the only direct voice they gave the people was through the House.
But the House hasn’t used its purse strings to check the Court or the Executive Branch in big, meaningful ways for many decades. Executive Agencies and the Courts have gotten away with numerous unconstitutional actions because the House has been weak. Indeed, where the Framers wanted the House to have the most power of all the entities in the federal government, today the House is the weakest.
Not good.
To the current threat of the House apprehending and jailing uncooperative government officials: If the House followed through on this threat, it would create a precedent that the House can arrest and jail members of the other branches who aren’t obeying the law. Not the ideal system of checks and balances, to say the least; but might it actually be better than the House (and the people) having basically no power at all over the other two branches?
If we’re going to violate the Constitution routinely, this violation would at least be a path that gives more power to the people. Right now, given current news of the day, this seems bad to conservatives; but they would have loved it when Eric Holder ran “Fast and Furious” and the House could just arrest and jail him.
Yes, this sounds a bit wild; but given the current lack of House power, you could make a case that this is a step in the right direction.
Yeah, of course
Ideally the House would just fulfill its Constitutionally-defined duties and use finances to check the Executive and Judiciary. If the House isn’t going to follow the Constitution, and the voters aren’t either, then is allowing the House to have some little power to check the other two branches a lesser evil?
What do you think? Whatever you decide, this kind of considering each branch’s options is exactly the way the Founding generation would have thought about it. Today, far too often, Americans simply accept whatever the media, party leaders, or experts say, without thinking about the issue from all angles like the regular citizens did in early America.
Which is worse: a House that has no power versus the Executive Agencies and Courts (allowing them to run rampant), or a House that can arrest government officials who are violating the Constitution? Sometimes the House would get it wrong, but the alternative is that the Executive Agencies and Courts act with almost unlimited power and impunity.
Where do you stand on this?
Please comment and share….
II. Free Enterprise is Better than Socialism or Capitalism
“It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a ‘dismal science.’
But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance.”
—Murray Rothbard
THERE is a battle raging for the future of America. And, by extension, this battle impacts the prospects for freedom around the world. Indeed, if the great system of freedom initiated by the Declaration of Independence and established by the U.S. Constitution is lost in the United States, it will likely take centuries before real freedom regains its current levels of influence in the world.
This is the great struggle of our generation, but sadly the center point of this contest is unclear to most people. Only a relative few understand what is actually going on behind the scenes.
In fact, this battle for our future hinges on two main questions.
The first question is:
Will Socialism or Free Enterprise be the leading economic system of the 21st Century?
Category : Aristocracy &Blog &Citizenship &Community &Constitution &Culture &Current Events &Economics &Generations &Government &History &Information Age &Leadership &Liberty &Politics &Statesmanship
5 years ago
Howdy from Texas
At least 3 of your freedom group books and one 5000 Year Leap should be in every American’s hands … 1913, We Hold These Truths, & Freedom Shift
The Founders got EVERYTHING right … but Media Neutrality vanished by the 80’s maybe even with Watergate, they had been a very strong check on “party” politics for 200 years … NOW the media is ONLY agenda driven and true news reporting has disappeared completely. BUT our Constitution is the GREATEST document created in ALL of history!
With the leftist’s political agenda being forced down our collective throats and at least a dozen volatile scenarios in world commerce, arms, global warming hoaxes, faltering energy grid, nationalizing of bank accounts etc we are on the precipice of another civil war …
The traditional “job” is disappearing … technology is forcing that to happen … as compared to the Founders Freedom Principles jobs have really been a sham all along. A rebirth of FREEDOM & LIBERTY FOR ALL is highly probable as discussed in Freedom Shift … But DELIVERANCE of the information is KEY. Immediate timeframes are needed
Thanks for asking
5 years ago
My fear is that, no matter what the House does or how it handles the issues at hand on any given day it really is not acting/voting for the People that they each represent. I feel that 90% of the members are only looking out for their own pocket books and how to keep/further their lucrative positions. I do think I would like to see the branches of government working in some fashion close to how it was designed to work I can’t “see” it happening without a major event/upset created by the People.
Oliver DeMille
5 years ago
Agreed. More people need to start thinking like the Founders, to make it happen.
Sarah Smith
5 years ago
I’m so excited that you are launching this new TODAY IN THE NEWS series! I generally try to stay away from mainstream media because it is so heavily biased, but still would like to have a concise source of insight into recent current events. This series looks perfect!