Definitions That Matter, II
September 26th, 2011 // 10:49 am @ Oliver DeMille
As I have said before, one mark of ruling classes in society is the understanding of nuanced definitions. In American society, the original design was for the regular people to be the rulers.
Here are some words that need to be closely considered, understood and discussed by the regular people who care about freedom:
- Administration
- Aggression
- Allegiance
- Alliances
- Amendments
- Aristocracy
- Authority
- Balances
- Banks
- Borrowing
- Business
- Centralization
- Character
- Checks
- Citizenship
- Civil Rights
- Classes
- Common Law
- Communism
- Community
- Consent
- Constituent
- Constitution
- Contracts
- Courts
- Culture
- Currency
- Defense
- Democracy
- Diplomacy
- Duty
- Economy
- Election
- Empire
- Equality
- Ethics
- Executive
- Faction
- Fallacy
- Fallibility
- Family
- Farming
- Federal
- Feudalism
- Fiscal Policy
- Force
- Foreign Policy
- Forms of Government
- Freedom
- Good
- Goods
- Guilds
- Human Nature
- Independence
- Independents
- Individuality
- Investment
- Judgment
- Judiciary
- Jury
- Jury of the Vicinage
- Justice
- Law
- Leadership
- Legislature
- Leisure
- Liberal Arts
- Liberal Education
- Liberty
- Limited Government
- Local Government
- Loyal Opposition
- Mercantilism
- Mixed Government
- Modernity
- Monarchy
- Monetary Policy
- Natural Law
- Oligarchy
- Optimism
- Ownership
- Political Economy
- Political Parties
- Politics
- Popular Sovereignty
- Positive Law
- Powers
- Pragmatism
- Precedent
- Principle
- Private Property
- Profit
- Progress
- Propaganda
- Prosperity
- Providence
- Public Office
- Public Opinion
- Public Policy
- Public Virtue
- Realism
- Reason
- Representation
- Representatives
- Republic
- Rights
- Savings
- Separation of Powers
- Slavery
- Social Contract
- Socialism
- Society
- Taxation
- Tyranny
- Utilitarianism
- Wealth
- Wisdom
Category : Aristocracy &Blog &Citizenship &Constitution &Culture &Economics &Education &Featured &Leadership &Liberty &Mini-Factories
Blake Elliott
12 years ago
Very good list Dr. DeMille. I’ll have fun with the 1828 dictionary tonight! I just saw an announcement that your speaking at a TEAM Major in Columbus. I didn’t know you were involved with TEAM, but then again, Chris Brady does post articles on The Center for Social Leadership. But it’s very exciting! I’ll look forward to watching your speech.